
Photo & Video

Professional photo and video for social media, websites, and advertising.

Graphic Design

Custom projects for print and digital.

Website Creation

Built to achieve your goals and reach your audience.


Full design for new projects and brands looking for a new direction. Let us create your new aesthetic.

Social Media

Everything from start to finish. Content production, posts on your channels, and audience engagement.

Digital Advertising

Reach your target audience through paid advertising on social media, Google, and more.

Stunning visuals that work toward your goals

Palm Beach Influence is a Palm Beach Marketing Agency that focuses on real-world impact. Palm Beach Influence was founded by creative professionals with an eye for design and a focus on making things that work for your target audience.

Campaigns have arrived

Join our creator network to work with your favorite local brands


We are the exclusive social media partner of The Ben, Autograph Collection and their restaurant portfolio since 2020. We handle all content creation, posting, and community engagement for @thebenwestpalm@spruzzowestpalm, and @propergrit. We have also been responsible for designing branding materials for Spruzzo, Proper Grit, and The Ben’s in-house coffee shop, Byrdie’s Coffee Bar. This includes digital and print-ready menus, flyers, and other promotional items. In 2024 we created a custom ticketing website, TheBenEvents.com, to promote and sell tickets for all of The Ben’s events.


If you want to collaborate with The Ben, Spruzzo, and Proper Grit please click here to join our creator network.

Gallagher’s Steakhouse NYC is an iconic location with a century of history. In 2022 we were part of the team that helped establish this icon’s digital identity with fresh content and community engagement on their social media pages. In just one year we grew their Instagram following from 6k to 23k. In 2023 we established new accounts for Gallaghers Boca Raton, their 1st expansion, and were a vital part of establishing their unique brand aesthetic.

In February of 2023 the 20+ year old Spoto’s Oyster Bar became Spotos Fish & Oyster. With new ownership at the helm of Spotos, Palm Beach Influence was trusted to rebrand the beloved restaurant. Everything was reborn from a new logo, a fresh menu design, a new website, new social media accounts, and an entirely new look and feel for each and every guest. Through their new website we were able to establish an email marketing plan and an exclusive ticketing platform for their private events.